26TH Open Systems Days
Croatian Linux Users’ Conference

18 - 19 APRIL 2019

FER, Zagreb, Croatia

Cultural transformation


OpenSource is much more than just code. Implementing OpenSource solutions requires a change that is much bigger and tougher than replacing some binaries on hard disks. If one doesn't change the approach of operating acquired solution or a service, there are no real benefits in the fact that the code is open. In this talk I'll go over some pitfalls and real world examples of cultural shifts in organisations that moved to OpenSource and are now setting the pace in their industries.






Ante Karamatić

I've been a Linux enthusiast for more than 20, and a Linux professional for more than 15 years now. In those 20 years my interest moved across the board, from getting a functional desktop with XFree86 to optimising OpenStack and Ceph deployments out of a pipeline. Currently I'm enjoying running a small active holiday tourist agency and an IT startup, both in Croatia. However, my daily job is working with customers all over the world in the role of Technical Architecture Director at Canonical Ltd.


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